Wake up among the treetops
Granö Lodge originates from the story of a couple of friends wanting to share all that the village of Granö has to offer; peace and quiet, wild animals och the locally produced food. Their wish came true and today, visitors from all over the world are attracted to the farther side of the suspension bridge crossing the mighty Umeälven. On one of the hills of the peninsula, high up amongst the treetops, three bird nests are located - cabins attached and anchored to the massive trees. An eco-hotel has been established on the other hill, overlooking the smaller gathering of cabins. Located down below, right next to the swirling water, is the camping, hot tub and sauna.

The kinds of accomodation are many, and the amount of activities are even more; dog sledding, rafting, fishing, snowshoe hiking, aurora tours, yoga and moose safari. The list of seasonal activites offered by this nature tourism company are long and fits as well for a romantic weekend with your partner, a study break together with your friends as for a temabuilding exercise during you conference. The theme of the operation is to add value to the local community, people and environment - sustainable development in practice.
Regardless of puropse or company you are always welcome to Granö Beckasin to enjoy the silence - every day, all year around.