About us
The journey started 20 years ago when hospitality companies saw the benefit of working together to give guests a complete experience. Since then, many associations, companies and destinations have chosen to join. Through higher quality requirements and sharper marketing, Gold of Lapland will together aim for new heights, with more visitors and increased profitability for our members.
Where do we want to go? What is our goal with the trip?
Together we want to travel towards a Gold of Lapland that is an economically, socially and ecologically sustainable destination - an obvious destination for the global traveler. At the destination, the hospitality industry is a recognized and accepted industry in the region. Gold of Lapland is the obvious partner for public, private and non-profit activities in tourism. We know that the hospitality industry is important and plays a major role in the economic development of society. But a big challenge lies in spreading knowledge and getting everyone affected by the industry to aim for the same goal.
To reach the destination, Gold of Lapland must develop, market and sell the destination in a business-oriented and innovative way. We will market ourselves so that our brand and our core values become known and we become Top of mind with our prioritized target groups. We offer quality experiences right target group and the market's requirements will be met. Continuous competence development is required for us to be able to act in an international market, and of course we must help each other match competence needs with training initiatives. Through external monitoring, Gold of Lapland must defend the interests of the destination and its members and be a voice towards other destinations, regional and national actors.
The destination organization Gold of Lapland puts on the captain's hat, stands at the front and steers the ship towards the future. It is important that we all steer in the same direction so we can stay on course. On board is everyone who owns Gold of Lapland and it´s partners. How far you follow the journey you decide completely yourself, the level of your commitment will be absolutely decisive for whether you step ashore first with the best packed suitcase. We will not manage the journey on our own. We must hook arm with strategically selected partners, other destinations and the public, then we will succeed! Welcome to the journey of Gold of Lapland - the familiar Lapland, rich in quality of life and real gold nuggets in our natural and cultural environment.
Are you interested in a membership in Gold of Lapland? Then you can find information about it on our coorporate site We are Gold of Lapland!
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